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Just Kay FR
Mar 09, 2024
In SLP Radio Replies
• Without OVERTHINKING , what are you naturally good at? Niche: A place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted • Are you using your talents to your advantage, ignoring them, or working against them? "Identify your NICHE and dominate it and when I say dominate, I just mean work harder than anyone else could possibly work at it."
Just Kay FR
Feb 28, 2024
In SLP Radio Replies
Must be following @slpradio & subscribed to theslpshop.com Bonus points if you follow on TikTok @silverliningp_slp This competition is to win money for your loved one behind bars, money will be deposited directly into their account at the jail. Directions: Qualify by following the accounts listed above and commenting on the post! Gather the answers to the questions listed below and listen to SLP Radio every Wednesday at 7am for your chance to WIN! 1. What does SLP stand for? 2. We say "slip without the ______ because________" 3. SLP is all about promoting ________ through the _______ to the _________ 4. Name 1 song by 1 of the SLP Artists. 5. How many podcasts are on theslpshop.com/podcasts? 6. When is SLP Radio LIVE? 7. Who are the hosts of "Literally It's No Pressure"? 8. Just Kay FR is known to ask do you have a reason to _________? 9. At the beginning of every episode of "Literally It's No Pressure", guests are asked to put their hands where?
WIN CASH FOR FAM content media
Just Kay FR
Feb 28, 2024
In SLP Radio Replies
Grand rising royal family! How's your week going? I wanna know one of your highlights! Our word of the day is "plan", does that word mean anything to you? I know for ME it can trigger anxiety at times😳. Planning is a newerrr skill I'm working on Haha! But we're gonna get there! The QUOTE of the day REALLY got me together. Q.) Do we NEED to plan, is it impactful? Q.) How often do you make plans and stick to them? Is it more or than the amount of plans you break? I'll get you into it at 7am Wednesday 2/28 theslpshop.com/slpradio ... I pray you make it but in the meantime tell your HIGHLIGHTS
Week of Planning content media
Just Kay FR
Feb 04, 2024
In SLP Radio Replies
Often times the issue is a simple miscommunication. Which form of communication would you say typically leads to a misunderstanding? A.Verbal ex. Speaking or sign language B.Nonverbal ex. Body language, facial expressions, gestures C.Written ex. Texts & emails D.Visual Ex. Symbols, emojis, signs Join us Wednesday at 7am to chime into the conversation. We’re strengthening our communication skills! In the mean time here's one of my FAVORITE depictions of a miscommunication 😂 ENJOY! https://youtu.be/naleynXS7yo?si=Nv6TZ8jLpsqH2osZ(https://youtu.be/naleynXS7yo?si=Nv6TZ8jLpsqH2osZ) com·mu·ni·ca·tion noun 1. 1. 2. means of sending or receiving information, such as phone lines or computers. "satellite communications"

Just Kay FR

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